Firstly, What Are ANPR Cameras?
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Cameras are used for automatically reading vehicle number plates.
As a vehicle passes an ANPR camera, its registration number is read and instantly checked against database records of vehicles of interest.
ANPR is used by police forces around the world for law enforcement purposes.
It is also used for electronic toll collection, as a method of cataloging the movements of traffic by highways agencies, and for business security.
We Know That Commercial Burglaries Are On The Rise In New Zealand
A recent New Zealand Herald investigation has confirmed that commercial burglaries are on the rise in New Zealand.
And, despite accounting for just a quarter of the total crimes, industrial business areas are some of the nation’s most burgled places.
Inspector Dave Glossop of Counties Manukau Police has said such crime nationally was on the rise:
“We have seen an increase recently in commercial burglaries.”
New Zealand Security Association acting chief executive Gary Morrison also agrees:
“The feedback over the last couple of months is that there has been more prevalence. Through communications from our members it seems to be quite targeted and sporadic. The crimes are moving around the industrial areas, so certain areas will be hit again and again until [businesses] take certain measures to target that and the groups involved find another area.”
So, Can ANPR Cameras Help Reduce Commercial Crime?
Jane Tongatule, General Manager of The Greater East Tamaki Business Association (GetBa), certainly thinks so.
GetBa was founded 20 years ago over concerns about security in the area, which encompasses about 2000 business properties.
GetBa’s general manager, Jane Tongatule, said the group put a huge emphasis on crime prevention and that one of its most successful moves was installing number plate recognition cameras that sync with police databases of stolen cars.
In two years, the cameras had led to police action on more than 200 cases.
Will ANPR Cameras Reduce / Prevent Crime For My Business?
Yes, they will.
ANPR cameras use innovative technology to help your business effectively monitor car parking, observe vehicles, and welcome visitors and staff onto your premises.
ANPR can help your business monitor vehicle movements, to not only maintain safety and security onsite, but to ensure workplace productivity is improved and your premises is effectively monitored.
Automatic number plate recognition cameras have a range of applications for your business, whether you run an industrial estate, shopping centre, or hotel, as follows:
- Vehicle Monitoring and Management, including identifying vehicles, recording all visits, developing driver and vehicle profiles, automating delivery and collection, and creating revenue.
- Staff and Visitor Management, including recording entry and exit times, verifying deliveries, monitoring behaviour, and reducing staffing costs.
- Access Control, including preventing entry to a site, activating warnings, and tracing owners of unauthorised vehicles.
- Remote Viewing and Monitoring, including transmitting images off-site and monitoring multiple sites simultaneously.
- Administration, including conducting traffic and parking flow surveys, improving site management, and providing thorough site documentation.
Our team of experts will use their knowledge of how ANPR cameras work to install and service your system so that it is working at its best for your business.
We can tailor systems to your business requirements, so whether you need to monitor car parking or manage high-volume traffic areas, our systems are the perfect solution for your business.
The devil really is in the detail.
So, if you have any questions about our high quality automatic number plate recognition systems or want to know more about the benefits that the systems can bring for your business, why not contact us today to find out more.