Caught on Security Camera – check out these robbers
Security Camera catches bank robbers evading police. Classic security camera action. You never know what your security cameras will capture. Hilarious.
DetailsSecurity Camera catches bank robbers evading police. Classic security camera action. You never know what your security cameras will capture. Hilarious.
DetailsTech companies are speedily developing new software & security technology to help track, manage and contain the Coronavirus – Some cities in China are already using ‘Real Name’ apps for identification on public transport systems
DetailsCheck out this burglar caught on security camera. The CCTV system donated to local Football Club proves it’s worth again. Images on social media and community working together to ensure stolen property recovered.
DetailsCornovirus has brought China’s electronic surveillance out of the shadows. CCTV systems around the country can identify and track people who have been in infected areas. AI, facial recognition software, temperature measuring apps, and more
DetailsWith the retirement of the copper network and roll out of fibre what is the best IP Monitoring solution for your security system? Check out the different options and benefits here
DetailsMove over fingerprint authentication & facial recognition. The new player on the block for security authentication is voice biometrics – click here to read why it is the next best thing in security
DetailsInsight EDS rolls out their first electric bike on the streets of Auckland Central. Great for technicians’ time management, health and the environment. Click here to check it out.
DetailsJailing robots, that is the question. If a robot or an algorithm causes the death of a person who is legally responsible? This was up for discussion at a recent technology conference and it raised some fascinating questions. Click here to read more
DetailsSecurity Camera’s need cleaning. Check out the before and after images from a security camera. Give yourself peace of mind with an Insight EDS maintenance contract. Know that your camera’s are recording what they are supposed to be recording and the images are clear and accessible for when you need them.
DetailsNew research shows consumers are wary that the use of biometrics for online payments will increase the risk of identity fraud. Do you trust companies having access to your biometrics? How safe is your fingerprint? Click here for more