Mobotix Heat Map Camera
Get the edge on your competitors
Count, Measure & Analyse with a Heat Map Camera
What is a Heat Map Camera?
People Counting & Directions of Movement.
A Statistical Behavior Analysis built into the camera.
This is a very cool technology that tracks movement. You can pop one of these cameras into a shop and see where the busiest part of the shop is. It shows you where people walk to when they enter a shop and their movements. This can then help you identify what people are interested in and why. You could then position stock or sale items in certain places and measure people traffic. You can use them in any business environment to see where people’s movements take them and at what time of the day.
We can rent these cameras too so you could always look at installing short term to get some information on your customer’s behavior to help give you an edge in business.
For heat mapping camera technology buy or rent one from Insight EDS today